For anyone who has lived the agency life, you know what a crazy ride of highs and lows it can be.
There are days when you are madly and deeply in love with what you do - when you win an account, your idea gets a nod from the client or when you actually get a full weekend off! Woohoo!
And then there are also those days when you wish to fast-forward life and get done with it - the late-night brainstorming sessions, the weekend rush, the endless round of alterations, and so on and so forth.
Truth be told, life at an agency can be everything you like and don’t like at the same time, right?
No wonder, the internet is abuzz with memes about #agencylife.
And for you agency folks out there, Indian Business Council scoured through the internet and spoke to some of our nearest and dearest working in agencies to come up with a list of all those things about agency life that will remain unchanged for you even this year.
“No rush, take all the time you want”, said no client EVER! Nope, not even in 2022.
The first option/idea will be, INEVITABLY, shot down. Take it in writing from us or anyone. Clients love to have the power to ‘choose’, today, tomorrow, and forever.
Your amazing and the client’s amazing will 99.999% of the time not be the SAME EVER. So it is okay if your last, just-in-case idea makes it to the most expensive billboard at the Connaught Place!
When the client says, “This is THE last change”, you know EXACTLY what that means, even in 2022.
Friday evening plans almost never work out, even if you are working from home this year!
Ever wondered how you were going to make sense of the feedback that has come in from 5-6 different people from the client's side?
Well, there’s going to be that too, no matter how advanced and beyond emails your communication with the client and between the creative and client servicing team has gotten.
For designers, passion for art will always come before anything else. It hurts their ego when someone does not get their piece of art! And that’s fair, right?
Will the client's budget match their expectations in 2022? Let’s answer this first: Will a square peg fit in a round hole?
Interns! You will love them even this year! The more, the merrier, you think!
You’ve seen a million last-minute changes but each new one will continue to freak you out nonetheless.
You’ll never stop hearing words like final.jpg, finalfinal.jpg, revisedfinal.pdf, and more! In fact, in 2022, be prepped to add more to this list.
The adrenaline rush to get moment marketing right. Not all of us are the Amul girl but we gotta try!
Moment marketing = meme marketing? RIGHT OR WRONG?
Finally this year, your client will give you feedback that’s on point. precise. accurate. Perfectly understandable.
What, really?
When the client takes all the time to get back with their feedback and once they do, they say the last thing you want to hear.
In 2022 too, viral will be a word that will adorn every client brief!
Trying to take deep breaths and NOT EXPLODE when the client says this. Sadly, this one is not going to change too.
When you are heaving a sigh of relief and this happens, since forever!
No matter what happens, the scope of work of a client project only increases - DOUBLES, TRIPLES, QUADRAUPLES...
Well, those were our top 18 things that’ll remain unchanged in 2022.
Tell us if you got more!
Until then…